Seats - Harnesses
Installing aftermarket seats in your Yamaha YXZ1000R is one of best ways to instantly increase the comfort of your ride, thus allowing for longer rides and more fun which is something we are all looking for. With our selection of Yamaha YXZ1000R seats we will certainly have the seat that matches your need for comfort, style and functionality. Our suspension seats, from manufacturers like PRP, provide the most comfortable ride because the bottom cushion sits on a bed of woven paracord instead of hard pan. This style of seat is ideal for UTVs like the Yamaha YXZ1000r where you will be riding in extremely aggressive terrain where every ounce of energy absorption is needed. Aftermarket seats are available in a myriad of colors and there will certainly be a pattern or option to match your YXZ1000R. If you are not satisfied with the standard colors that are available we also offer custom color seats for the Yamaha YXZ1000R.
In addition to Yamaha YXZ1000R seats, we also carry a large selection of Yamaha YXZ1000R safety harnesses because being comfortable is great but it means nothing without being safe. With a machine as powerful as it is important to be properly secured. If something goes wrong at high speeds, trusting the stock seatbelt is not a gamble you should take. Browse our selection of 4 point and 5 Point harnesses and feel a whole lot more secure in your YXZ1000R ; combine that with an aftermarket suspension seat and your Yamaha will be both safe and comfortable.